
a student is making progress

It's great to know that my daughter is making a lot of progress in school. I've seen how diligent she has been to learn how to write her name on paper. Thanks to her teacher in writing class (along with our guidance and assistance at home), she is now able to perfectly write her full name! And because we usually love our own, I really love her penmanship. At the age of 4, I thought it would take her long to memorize the actual sequence and spelling of her name. Practice, indeed, makes perfect. A lot of things have really changed when it comes to the educational system and requirements. As far as I can remember,  I wasn't schooling yet at the age of 4. I think I was 6 years old when I started kindergarten right away and skipped Nursery or fun school. I and her father are quite pleased that she's able to cope up with the demands of being a student at a very young age.

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