
Improving Our Kids' Moral Values

As parents, it is our responsibility to mold our children to become what we want them to be especially in terms of their morals and values. It is always our hope that they would grow up bringing with them the right manners, attitude and behavior that is both pleasing to God and the community in general. This is challenge for most of us parents because they do not only grow up with us and the environment we want them to be in, they also grow with other people in a community which can also contribute towards shaping who they can potentially become one day.

There are many ways that we can improve our kids' moral values but the most proven way is to be the best example for them. As they grow, children would emulate whatever they see and hear from us parents.However, it is already given that we are not perfect. There will be times when we fail to become the best example for them. In this case, we can still be an example for them if they see that we have corrected our mistakes and we let them understand the consequences of these mistakes.


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  2. thanks for the visit and follow.. done the same. :-)
