
a horrifying experience

Can somebody get me on a blogging mode again? I so wanted to write something here on a regular basis but the desire to write just doesn't seem to be enough. A lot of things are still holding me back. And I mean A LOT of things -- they just keep adding up all together. Lately, it is because of force majeure. I remembered too well that I have been looking forward to this month of October as this was my/our wedding month, not to mention that it is also my husband's birth month. However, after a very shaky experience, I thought I might as well wish we would skip this month and not have to go through what we went through last week. That 7.2 magnitude earthquake last October 15 was really a horrifying experience. There are no words that can accurately describe how I felt that day. I was at work during that frightful day and I got so worried about not being with my family at the time that it happened. Although the epicenter was identified in Bohol, the intensity of the quake and the damage it has caused was just too strong to send us all in panic and fear here in Cebu. Still, what we went through is nothing compared to those who are in Bohol. I hope and pray that the aftershocks will already stop and that people can already start re-building their lives.


  1. Glad that everyone was safe, and praying that the families in Bohol are doing okay too. It's a scary situation when you deal with Mother Nature, because there's little that humans can do. Still, don't let that deter you from celebrating the special events in October! It's good to focus on the positive! ;)

    1. thank you Cat.. This is a super late reply on my blog.. Happy Halloween :-)
