A few hours from now, it is going to be a start of a New Year. I know I should put off blogging to anticipate this special occasion but I need to distract myself so I could cut down my trips to the table as everything on it seemed so tempting to eat that I could almost put off losing weight as my New Year's resolution.
Anyway, I intend to quickly write about what we did last weekend. My husband and daughter went to travel with me at my hometown. That trip, although it was a short one, was my chance to show them around my native land. The main reason that we were there, though, was to attend a reunion with my elementary batch. I had to bring them along since I hate to travel alone. Unfortunately, there were only a few attendees since most of our batch mates couldn't make it for a lot of different reasons. I thought we had it all planned out - from T-shirt souvenir printing down to the rest of the activities. Somehow, it was a little disappointing because I am the President of our batch and I thought I could have done better. Maybe we could have announced the reunion in many different forms. Perhaps a cheap yard sign printing with the important details of the event can also help to inform and to encourage our batch mates to show up. What do you think? Alright then, we will do better with our reunion next time!
I will leave you now to celebrate New Year with everybody in the house. Happy New Year, guys!
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