Here is a picture of my toddler wearing a pair of oversized slippers. This was her first cousin's old slippers and she wants to wear them. Would you believe that she already knows how to use them just the way they were supposed to be worn?
Oh, I didn't realize I actually cut her head on this picture but I'd like to emphasize on my toddler's slippers. She's got company there.
I'd like to write updates as well about my toddler's behavior. We are all about patience right now because everytime she wants something done or given to her, she would really want it her way. She doesn't like the word "NO". When she hears it from me, she would cry wells of tears and then she would kiss my hand, as if to cajole me or something. My heart would easily melt and I would then be close to giving in but my husband reminded me that I should not easily give in to all her wishes nor be tolerant of any unpleasant behavior. Don't you think it's too early to discipline her in any way?