
wordless wednesday: there are less words to say today...

only because I'm writing them down...
 the traditional way on a pleasant wednesday.... :-)


  1. *Squints really hard*

    Ok I got the jist of it. Something about a teacher. I’ll fill in the blanks with exploding ninja.

  2. Are you writing your thoughts on your "Mother's Legacy" journal? Is that for Dipdip when she grow up. Could you possibly share some of its contents in your posts? Thanks for the post. God bless you all always.

  3. @drake: LOL. hope some ninja already came to your aid to help you fill in those blanks.. :-)
    @mel: you're right. that was the message i was trying to say in the wordless wednesday post.. that i am writing down my thoughts on a Mother's Legacy Journal - a gift i received about a year ago from a friend. later on, i will share what i have written in there.

  4. the diary is perfect! parang gusto ko din yan! :)

